DLWP one of News and Observer's Durham's top stories in 2015!

The Durham Living Wage Project has made the News and Observer's Durham's top stories in 2015! We are so grateful for the support and enthusiasm in our community and we are especially thankful for our living wage employers! Looking forward to what lies ahead in 2016. Below is the full article:

News & Observer  

DECEMBER 30, 2015 

Living wage campaign

As more people depend on jobs in the service sector, what is a service job worth?

Since its March launch, the Durham Living Wage Project has certified about 80 local business and nonprofit organizations with hundreds of employees.

The program, open to all sectors of the economy, encourages employers to pay employees up to 70 percent above the state and federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.

The free certification process requires employers to pay individuals without company-provided health insurance at least $12.33 an hour, those with insurance at least $10.83 an hour, and independent contractors $14.33 an hour.

Certified companies range from Rho, a contract research organization with 375 employees to smaller companies such as Fullsteam Brewery, coffee shop Cocoa Cinnamon and bakery and restaurant Monuts. Owners of participating companies said the project provided a well thought-out platform that encouraged them to evaluate their pay and benefits. It also nudged them in a direction they already intended to go as wages are one piece of the employee retention and development puzzle.

The living wage project grew out of the Durham People’s Alliance, a community and political organization that advocates for progressive solutions for issues such as environmental protection, LGBT rights and affordable housing.

The project is modeled after Just Economics of Western North Carolina, an Asheville-based membership organization.

Staff writer Virginia Bridges

Link to article: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/local/community/durham-news/article51468690.html

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